Library of Things
The library isn't just about books and magazines! Check out the other amazing options to check out from the library!
Exercise Equipment
Exercise equipment from your library? No problem! Try before you buy, or use post-surgery, or just because! Standard check-out period is 2 weeks, but please talk with library staff about your particular needs and we would be happy to adjust the circulation period!
2 lb. wegith sets
Under desk/seated bicycle
Exercise balls
Weighted Medicine Ball
Yoga mats and blocks

Looking for some outdoor fun? We have several options for you! Again, check-out period is two weeks, but accommodations can be made! Perfect for picnics, parties, or other events as well!
Giant Checkboard Set - mat and markers
Bocce Ball
Soccer balls - varying sizes
Giant kickball set with pump
Disc Golf Set

Hands-on exploration and fun!
L-R: Telescope, and includes books, telescope, stand, and lenses
STEM Bags - each bag has a different theme - balancing beans, building challenges, literacy games, puzzles, chain links, dominoes, Google cardboard, KEva Planks, Magnets
Escape Rooms - available for all ages
Puzzle Books - all ages, with dry erase marker to do the puzzles yourself and erase!
Putnam Museum Pass - full information about museum pass policy can be found here

Borrow technology from the library! Check-out period is 2 weeks, unless otherwise noted in specific policy (linked here)
L-R: Kindle preloaded with novellas or otherwise unavailable in print content
USB Webcams
Chromebooks - for full information about Chromebook check-out, visit this page