Family Events

Once the weekly summer reading programs are over in July, we didn't want the fun to end! So we're bringing back a couple of favorites during the month of August for you to enjoy as a family!

Cake Wars!

Stop in to the library on August 1 to grab your cake pan and supplies. Bake and decorate your cake together any time between August 1-19, and take a picture once its done. Email or send to the library's Facebook account privately, and we'll post all the cakes for voting the week of August 19. The cake with the most votes that week will win our 2nd Cake Wars prize!

You are welcome to make as many cakes as you'd like, but we ask that you only take supplies for 1 cake per person from the library in order to ensure as many people can participate as possible.


To the right is the 2022 Cake Wars winning cake for inspiration!

Movies at the Park Library!

During the summer of 2022 when we did Movies at the Park, the days/times to do an outdoor movie were too late in the evening for littles, and then combined with the bugs made for a less than stellar viewing experience. So we're bringing Movies at the Park to the Library instead - where the bugs and the heat won't bother you!

Wednesday, August 7/2 pm: "Wish"

Wednesday, August 21/2 pm: "Migration"


Both are animated films and perfect for family viewing. The Library will provide popcorn, but feel free to bring any other treats you'd like!