Mission Statement & Strategic Plan
Mission Statement:
The Columbus Junction Public Library held strategic plan meetings with stakeholders from the Columbus community in February and March of 2017; approximately twenty-five stakeholders participated in each meeting to determine the strengths, needs, and aspirations of the community and how the library could support this vision. The Board of Trustees of the Columbus Junction Public Library met in April 2017 to formally identify goals for each of the identified areas; objectives were then created by library staff and director.
The vision identified from stakeholders included ideas such as community unity, education being valued by all, plenty of recreational opportunities, meeting student needs, adults being life-long learners, newcomers feeling welcomed, engagement from all community members, healthy life styles supported, awareness of community events, thriving school, dynamic/inter-connected communication channels, and residents who commute being active and engaged in the community as well as those working in the community.
Strengths included varying businesses, diverse restaurants, parks, fairgrounds, river/outdoor opportunities, partnerships with post-secondary schools/businesses with the school district, variety of churches, involved community members, diverse population, amenities such as a pool, health care, and emergency services, a stable city government, traditions, and a relaxed, friendly, and safe community.
Challenges to the community include not enough quality rental properties, high cost of living, lack of volunteers, inability to keep/retain or entice younger generation to come back and live in the community, lack of job opportunities, educational challenges, minimal entertainment/recreational opportunities, education is not valued , particularly throughout life, economic impact from outside forces, and access to better broadband.
Know Your Community/Be an Informed Citizen/Welcome to the United States
Goal 1: Newcomers to the community will know they can go to the library to get questions answered about community services.
Objective 1: By July 2018, the library will provide brochures/information to organizations to hand out to newcomers to the community regarding library services.
Objective 2: By July 2018, the library will provide brochures and fliers regarding library programs/services to local businesses, daycares, etc.
Objective 3: By July 2019, the library will have developed a citizenship corner, with all appropriate materials for in library use as well as check-out.
Objective 4: By July 2020, the library will have developed a binder of information, applications, and frequently asked questions for all library staff to refer to in answering questions about community services.
Objective 5: By July 2021, the library will create a local links page on the library’s website for the Columbus community area (rural and incorporated towns).
Objective 6: By July 2022, the library will collaborate with Community Development and other entities to help create a community calendar.
Goal 2: Citizens will find activities and library services that meet them where they are.
Objective 1: By July 2018, the library will partner with the Nest to host literacy events for families/parents at a location that is convenient for all participants.
Objective 2: By July 2019, the library will partner with the school district to participate in literacy nights/book fairs or other events to share information with parents about the library and its services.
Objective 3: By July 2020, the library will partner with the daycares to coordinate an event (literacy night, program at the daycare, story times at the daycare, etc).
Objective 4: By July 2021, the library will partner with local churches to coordinate visits to share about library services and/or to do programs.
Objective 5: By July 2022, the library will partner with community organizations/groups to speak about library services.
Create Young Readers
Goal 1: Parents and caregivers will receive resources and support to encourage academic success and love of reading.
Objective 1: By July 2018, the library will enhance (by 25%) its collection/materials in the native languages spoken in the Columbus community.
Objective 2: By July 2019, the library will establish a parent resource group/support group, focusing on sharing resources to enable parents to help their children academically and to foster a love of reading.
Objective 3: By July 2020, the library will enhance (by another 25%) its collection/materials in the native languages spoken in the Columbus community.
Objective 4: By July 2021, the library will provide some type of hand-out for families to take home following all programs in order to help parents continue to build skills.
Goal 2: Students will grow into life-long readers.
Objective 1: By July 2018, the library will provide calendars to businesses, daycares, schools/homeschools, of all upcoming library events and activities that can be done at home to promote reading/literacy.
Objective 2: By July 2019, the library will have developed and hold regular story times for different age groups.
Objective 3: By July 2020, the library will have developed and implemented literacy events specifically aimed at the homeschooling population.
Objective 4: By July 2021, the library will have implemented ways to engage with readers via the website, YouTube, or Facebook, such as book talks, videos, new releases, literacy suggestions, etc.
Goal 3: Columbus community residents will have books in their homes.
Objective 1: By July 2020, the library will have established a home delivery program, including to day cares and other locations.
Objective 2: By July 2021, the library will have researched for grants or programs in order to give books to residents.
Objective 3: By July 2022, the library will have implemented the program selected to provide books in residents’ homes.
Make Informed Decisions
Goal 1: Adults find interesting program opportunities to help them make informed decisions.
Objective 1: By July 2018, the library will provide information via various sources (programs, website/Facebook, in print) regarding technology topics, such as scams or reputable websites.
Objective 2: By July 2019, the library will coordinate a SHIIP representative to host informational meetings or one-on-one sessions with residents.
Objective 3: By July 2021, the library will have presented a series of adult programs on decision making topics, such as Social Security, finances, or medical topics.
Goal 2: Residents have access to technology assistance for the technology the library offers, with an emphasis on technology assistance for academics and employment.
Objective 1: By July 2019, the library will partner with the school regarding project assignments so the library can better provide books, resources, and staff time to meet the student demand while they’re working on the projects.
Objective 2: By July 2020, the library will increase the partnership with the Friends group to provide additional services/resources to help students with projects.
Objective 3: By July 2021, the library will have added technology resources to the library’s webpage, including free resources to teach tech skills.
Technology Goals
Goal 1: The library will develop necessary plans and training in order to maintain working equipment.
Objective 1: By July 2019, the library will develop an equipment replacement and software upgrade plan.
Objective 2: By July 2020, the library will develop a timeline for upgrading of web applications, browsers, and plug-ins.
Objective 3: By July 2021, the library will have developed a disaster recovery system, including making back-ups of computers, necessary files, and instructions on how to complete the recovery process.
Objective 3: By July 2022, all library staff will be trained and able to complete necessary upgrades for web applications, browsers, and plug-ins.
Goal 2: The library will have accessibility technology available for patron use in the library.
Objective 1: By July 2019, the library will research and purchase visual accessibility aids for use in house.
Objective 2: By July 2019, all library staff will be trained to use visual accessibility aids in order to teach patrons how to use.
Objective 3: By July 2021, the library will research and purchase motor accessibility aids for use in house.
Objective 4: By July 2021, all library staff will be trained to use motor accessibility aids in order to teach patrons how to use.
Goal 3: The library will maintain a more active website presence.
Objective 1: By July 2019, the library will have completed needed upgrades to the library website, including links for job resources, small business, egovernment, legal, early literacy, homework help, college, medical, and online tech resources.
Objective 2: By July 2020, the library will ensure website compliance with W3C standards and State Library of Iowa.
Objective 3: By July 2021, the library will develop a checklist for staff to do a monthly check of website links to determine if the links should be changed, deleted, or modified to link to more correct information.
Objective 4: By July 2022, the library will develop an inventory checklist for staff to complete an annual inventory of the website, and director will make those changes.
Goal 4: All library staff will be able to answer basic questions regarding technology.
Objective 1: By July 2019, the library will have developed a basic user guide for technology questions and troubleshooting.
Objective 2: By July 2020, all library staff will be able to answer basic Microsoft Word questions.
Objective 3: By July 2021, all library staff will be able to answer basic email/Internet questions, including discerning factual information/reputable websites.
Objective 4: By July 2022, all library staff will be able to answer basic printing questions.
Goal 5: The library will report technology data to appropriate entities, such as Library Board of Trustees, city councils, or County Board of Supervisors.
Objective 1: By July 2019, the library will develop new method of reporting statistics to include website and subscription/database usage.
Objective 2: By July 2020, the library will develop and utilize reporting form to log monthly speed tests.
Objective 3: By July 2021, the library will develop a flier on where to go for additional technology assistance beyond the library.